Our Vision and Values

Learning Together

Our Vision is to develop each child to the best of their potential

To develop each child to the best of their potential: academically, socially, emotionally and physically.


We will encourage learners to become independent learners, so that they can be productive, happy and fulfilled members of an ever changing world.


We will  teach the values that enable our students to lead in the continued development of a harmonious and inclusive multicultural society.

Be kind

to yourself

Developing student self-esteem and resilience

Be kind

to others

Building quality relationships

Be kind to

the Environment

Encourage students to respect and value the environment

Be the

learning kind

Encourage students to become lifelong learners by being positive about learning

Be the

achieving kind

Encourage students to think positively and achieve their potential

Be the

community kind

Encourage students to become positive contributors to society

Our school motto


‘Learning Together’

Our diverse community and staff  work together to learn together to ensure the best possible education for our multi-cultural students.

Our Values

At Boyare Primary School we use the ‘Six kinds of best’ values education program created by David Koutsoukis.


The program provides a mechanism to continually reinforce good values and teach them in context.


The ‘Six kinds of best’ program has been integral in developing and maintaining a positive culture in our school through clear, congruent and consistent messages across the whole school K-6, including the staff and community.

Release your child’s potential at Boyare PS