Learning Together

National Quality Standard

Early Childhood Education is the foundation for lifelong learning. The National Quality Standard (NQS) sets a high national benchmark for early childhood education and care and outside school hours care services in Australia. Our highly trained team’s understanding of the NQS. Kindergarten Curriculum Guidelines, the Early Years Learning Framework and Western Australian Curriculum allows them to create an engaging child-centred program and maximise opportunities for enhancing and extending each child’s learning and development.


Our early childhood team use the NQS to review, reflect and purposefully plan for ongoing improvement both in early childhood classrooms and across the wider school community.

Our student, families and community have unique interests, needs and abilities which are continually explored and expanded upon.


The NQS team conducts an annual internal review which guides our continued quality improvement plan and preparations for an external 3 yearly NQS verification.

Our motto ‘Learning Together’ captures the community focus of our school. We are committed to building strong and positive partnerships with parents and local community.

Release your child’s potential at Boyare PS