At Boyare Primary School the Year Six Students are the Student Leaders.
They participate in a structured program which provides opportunities to enhance and develop life skills such as organisation, time management, working collaboratively and goal setting, while developing persistence and resilience in academic and non-academic settings.
Students undertake a range of activities throughout the year including selection speeches for Head Boy, Head Girl and Faction Captain positions. In addition to this, students participate in a Bibbulmun Track bush walk and a comprehensive High School Transition Program. The highlight of the Leadership Program is the annual three-day camp to Naga Bush in Term Four.
In addition to this, students participate in a range of weekly activities which include managing a worm farm, paper recycling, leading assembly each fortnight and sounding the sirens.
Commencing in Year Five, there is a focus on developing a deeper understanding of our First Nations people with an emphasis being placed on the Noongar Culture.