Our Staff

Learning Together

Our Staff

All staff are committed to ensuring that Boyare Primary is a school of excellence, focusing on the development of improved service delivery, culture, belief, curriculum and student outcomes.


High Expectations

We believe all children should experience success at our school in all aspects of their education.


Purposeful Teaching

This includes:


• Setting minimum benchmarks for content delivery and student knowledge
• A differentiated, inclusive learning environment
• Explicit instruction and lesson design
• Teaching that is engaging and focuses on skills
• STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts & Mathematics) with specialist staff
• Staff professional development

Our motto ‘Learning Together’ captures the community focus of our school. We are committed to building strong and positive partnerships with parents and local community.

Accountability and Data

Sharing and using data to analyse school and student performance is paramount to driving improvement. What is distinctive in our school, is the systematic way in which the data is widely shared and discussed by the staff, and that we look to additional sources of evidence, such a normed referenced assessments, in order to provide a comprehensive picture of student performance and individual student needs.


Stimulating and Secure Learning Environment

Ensuring a positive learning environment throughout our school is a fundamental precondition for improving teaching and learning and, subsequently, leading to higher student outcomes.

Release your child’s potential at Boyare PS