Boyare Primary School opened in 1991. The school is located in the suburb of Mirrabooka and approximately 14 kilometres north east of the Perth CBD. Mirrabooka is an Aboriginal word which describes the constellation of the Southern Cross, which features on our school crest.
75% of our students have a language other than English as their first language with over 28 different first languages identified. We celebrate and embrace this cultural diversity every day and through major events such as Harmony Day and NAIDOC Week.
Our school community embraces our motto, ‘Learning Together’ by working with staff to develop independent learners with the skills and knowledge to become productive, happy and fulfilled members of an ever changing world. Boyare Primary has a very active School Council and Parents and Citizens Association, which support the school in meeting the needs of the students.
Staff are very strong supporters of the changes that are continuing to happen at Boyare Primary to ensure that we provide the best possible opportunities to allow all students to achieve success. The staff value and promote the development of the ‘whole child’ whilst striving for excellence in all that we do. They work actively in developing whole-school and phase-of-learning strategies and participate in committees and networks designed to ensure our programs are vibrant and Best Practice.
A strong focus is placed on academic achievement with priorities in literacy and numeracy. ‘English as an additional language or dialect’ students are a major consideration in all of our programs. Specialist teachers in literacy and numeracy support teaching programs and individual planning is integral to the success of students at risk.
To supplement quality classroom programs, the school also has specialist programs in the areas of The Arts, Physical Education, Music and Languages (Italian). Our students also have the opportunity to take part in other school activities including Chess Club, Glee Club, Garden Club and lego club. Additional programs, including ‘Breakfast Club’ and ‘After School Sport’ are offered.